Did you know? Passwords should never be stored in your browser.

Key Takeaways:
  • Keeping your passwords secure is one of the most important steps to effective cybersecurity.
  • Never store your passwords in a browser; use a password manager instead.
  • Always use a strong, unique password for each login.
  • Always use multi-factor authentication when available.


As long as cyberattacks have been a problem, passwords have served as a valuable line of defense against hackers. But today, because of the growing number of cyber threats, it’s crucial to use strong, unique passwords for each login protected by multi-factor authentication. Remembering these passwords can be a daunting task, which is why we recommend using a secure password manager instead of your unsecure browser.

As hackers become more sophisticated, it is crucial to understand the risks associated with password security and implement effective measures to safeguard your valuable assets. Securing your non-profit’s digital assets starts with safeguarding your passwords. Passwords are one of the first lines of defense against unauthorized access to your organization’s sensitive data and systems.

Like any other entity, non-profit organizations are vulnerable to hacking attempts that can compromise sensitive data, such as donor lists, disrupt operations, and damage their reputation. More than any other consequence of a cyberattack, a damaged reputation can be catastrophic to a non-profit. A negative reputation could mean donors think twice about donating to your organization.

Implementing strong, unique passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication whenever available are essential to fortifying your password security. Protecting your non-profit’s sensitive data is not just a matter of compliance but a crucial responsibility to ensure the trust and confidence of the community.

By moving away from storing passwords in a browser and adopting a specialized password manager, you can strengthen your password security, minimize the risk of unauthorized access, and streamline the management of passwords for your team, ultimately fortifying your organization’s overall cybersecurity. Password managers can also store 2-factor authentication codes, eliminating the need to use a phone to retrieve a code. Password managers allow for the secure sharing of passwords, making them easy for employees to adopt, and even allow you to revoke passwords if an employee leaves the organization.

Browser password storage is limited and not secure

Many individuals rely on their web browsers to store passwords, considering it a free and convenient solution. However, this approach poses significant risks. Browser-based password storage is inherently vulnerable, exposing organizations to potential breaches.

Storing passwords in a browser may seem convenient, but browsers are notoriously unsecure and vulnerable to hacking, posing a significant risk to your cybersecurity. Hackers have various methods to exploit these vulnerabilities and steal your stored passwords. If they gain access to your browser, they can easily retrieve your saved passwords, granting them unauthorized access to your accounts.

Most browsers use basic encryption methods to protect stored passwords. However, these encryption techniques are less secure than those employed by dedicated password management solutions. Additionally, malicious software or browser extensions can target and extract your stored passwords without your knowledge.

One common challenge organizations face is the lack of a unified password vault for team access. Organizations can encounter difficulties during employee onboarding and offboarding processes without a centralized system to securely store and manage passwords.

For instance, when an employee who holds access to a secured website leaves the organization, it can be difficult to regain access. Additionally, former employees who still have login credentials for organizational sites stored in their browsers pose a potential security threat. Browsers are not equipped to handle these scenarios effectively, highlighting the need for a robust password management solution that ensures secure access control and simplified credential management for teams.

Use a Password Manager

Consider adopting a dedicated password manager app as a secure solution to bolster password security. Password managers offer a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance security and simplify password management for individuals and organizations.

One important capability is checking if a user’s login credentials for a specific site are being sold on the dark web. This allows organizations to take corrective measures promptly, such as resetting passwords or enabling additional security measures. Password managers can also identify weak passwords or if individuals use the same password for multiple accounts. By implementing policies that promote the use of complex passwords, organizations can bolster their overall cybersecurity and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Here’s why a password manager is a smart choice:
  1. Secure Password Sharing: Sharing passwords securely within your organization becomes effortless with password managers. You can grant controlled access to team members or volunteers, ensuring efficient collaboration while maintaining data security. You can even revoke passwords if someone leaves the organization.
  2. Strong, Unique Passwords: A password manager generates complex, unique passwords for each of your logins and securely saves them for later use. This eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords while significantly reducing the risk of password-related breaches.
  3. Advanced Encryption: Password managers employ advanced encryption algorithms, ensuring your passwords are securely stored and protected against unauthorized access so your sensitive data remains encrypted.
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds a layer of protection by requiring not only something you know (a password) but also something you have on you (like a cell phone, smartwatch, USB FIDO2 key, fingerprint, etc.); the combination of those two layers makes unauthorized access almost impossible. Password managers often provide an option to enable MFA, adding an extra layer of security to your logins. With MFA, even if a password is compromised, unauthorized access is thwarted without the second factor of authentication.
  5. Cross-Platform Accessibility: Password managers offer seamless access across devices and platforms. You can securely retrieve your passwords from any device, enabling flexibility and convenience without compromising security.
Password Best Practices for Non-Profits
We have compiled a short list of best practices when it comes to passwords:
  1. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Require the use of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) whenever possible. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional verification step, such as a unique code sent to your mobile device. According to Microsoft, using 2-factor authentication reduces the risk of account takeover by 99.9%, reducing successful cyberattacks by as much as 80%.
  2. Use Strong Passwords: Create passwords that are at least 12 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  3. Unique Passwords: Never reuse passwords across different accounts. Each login should have its own unique, complex password.
  4. Regularly Update Passwords: Rotate your passwords periodically to reduce the risk of a breach.
  5. Educate Your Team: Conduct training sessions to educate your staff and volunteers about password best practices, such as avoiding common phrases, personal information, or easily guessable patterns.
  6. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits with the help of your IT team to identify potential vulnerabilities in your password management practices. This includes reviewing user access privileges, disabling inactive accounts, and monitoring for suspicious login activity.
  7. Stay Updated: Keep your password manager and all software applications up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Many password managers can warn you if a password has been or has the potential to be breached. Regularly check for any security advisories from your password manager and implement recommended actions promptly.
Rely on a team of IT experts

At tca SynerTech, our mission is to provide all organizations with an entire team of IT experts starting at less than the cost of a low-level employee. Your IT team from TCA will bring up-to-date cybersecurity solutions and training to your organization to help reduce the risk of a successful phishing attack.

For more information about how to keep your passwords safe or how to roll out the use of a password manager at your organization, contact tca SynerTech today.